By: Advocate Brokerage
Advocate Brokerage enthusiastically supports the Greyston Foundation. The vision of America that they celebrate daily is so beautiful we feel it is important to share.
President & CEO January 2017
On Inclusion – Are we to be a more inclusive or more exclusive society? From Boston Harbor to the Statue of Liberty, from the Gateway Arch to the Mexican Border, the arc of history bends toward inclusion, not exclusion. It is inclusion that has made our nation great. Access and mobility, the freedom to chase a dream, the urge to innovate, the opportunity to take risks in order to succeed, the right to become part of the American tapestry; this is the America that we celebrate every single day at Greyston. At Greyston, inclusion is the core of our Open Hiring™ Model. Open Hiring™ creates opportunities for everyone: women, men, people of color, people of all faiths and sexual orientations, immigrants and refugees, the economically disadvantaged, the formerly incarcerated and all others who may have been excluded – blocked from contributing to the health and strength of our society. Because no one willing to work should be denied the dignity of a job. Open Hiring™ is not a hand-out or give-away. It is built on mutual respect, opportunity, a fair chance. It is about communities, jobs, families. It is about responsibility, hard work, commitment, achievement, and the intrinsic worth of every human being. And we’ve been doing it for 34 years. What began as a modest bakery on the edge of New York City with the moniker that “we don’t hire people to bake brownies, we bake brownies to hire people,” has emerged today as a globally recognized brand with an innovative business model and value proposition. Open Hiring™ is not just a job but a pathway forward – providing career training and life skills. Jobs are fundamental and yet insufficient. Open Hiring™ connects jobs to families and childcare – so parents can work to support their families. Open Hiring™ supports parks, gardens, and healthy eating. Open Hiring™ generates community housing and economic development. What we do is first and foremost about people – and about systems, changing and creating new systems that meet social, environmental, and financial needs. It upends traditional hiring practices that focus on spending to screen people out and instead makes an investment to include people and support their success. We envision a world where responsible businesses collaborate with communities to create inclusive economies. We envision a world where businesses compete to attract and retain citizens who have done their time and want to start a new life. We envision a world where business assets are deployed more effectively to generate a social return on investment that benefits the company, its employees and its community. We envision a world where tax benefits are extended to mission-driven companies that demonstrate consistent returns on mission that reduce government obligations. We envision a world where we recognize that everyone – from CEOs to day laborers – needs support to succeed on the job and also be a responsible family and community member. Greyston is a community that celebrates the art of what is possible, that believes everyone can contribute, and that puts faith in the power of core American values: opportunity, fairness, respect, and equity. And, we measure success every day — and over the long-term. Success for Greyston is not a trade-off where we short the next generation to make outsized profits today. We must not sacrifice our children’s future to satisfy our near-term desires. We are a mission-driven company that generates strong returns for all stakeholders, a hybrid enterprise with nonprofit operations alongside a commercial business. Our signature initiatives weave together business innovation and social justice to create thriving and inclusive communities:
We are a modest bakery with a great, big, disruptive idea. And we’ve been perfecting it for three decades.
Greyston Social Enterprise · 21 Park Avenue, Yonkers, NY, 10703 · www.greyston.com 914-376-3900