It’s Back to School Time – Safe Driving Tips for Teens Heading Back to Class!
By: Advocate Brokerage

Sadly, summer is over and it is time for Back to School & Back to Routine. This means more cars and teens on the road each and every day. Advocate loves teens and wants to do all we can to keep them safe, so we have put together some tips for teens while behind the wheel.
Advocate wants teen drivers to keep in mind:
- If you are heading to a place that is unfamiliar, be sure to give yourself some extra drive time. A few extra minutes means you’ll be less tempted to speed in order to reach your destination on time.
- Buckle up and be sure you hear that click from each and every passenger.
- Keep your eyes on the road and your hands off your cell phone.
- Never text and drive. In fact we recommend that you Do Not keep your cell phone in your lap….we know how impossible it is to resist checking your phone once you get a text notification. Why tempt yourself?
- Follow all speed limit signs and pay special attention to those around construction zones.
- Be sure you have the most updated insurance card on hand in case of an emergency.
- Speaking of emergencies…be sure you have a plan in place for Road Side Assistance in the event of a breakdown!
If they are in an automobile accident, will your teens know what to do?
We can help. Principal, Denise Koslowsky has put together an awesome guide for teens who have been involved in an accident. So review the attached information with your teen and then try to relax…we’re here for you!