Hurricane Evacuation Kits
By: Advocate Brokerage

With parts of Florida, Georgia & South Carolina under evacuation orders, we thought we would offer you check list of things to pack as you head out on the road.
- Water
- Non-perishable foods (canned goods, trail mix, peanut butter, crackers)
- Can opener
- Disposable silverware, paper towels
- First Aid Kit (bandages, pain relievers, tweezers, antibiotic ointment)
- Moist towelettes
- Portable battery-operated radio
- Flashlight
- Extra batteries
- Whistle (to call for help)
- Blankets
- A change of clothing for each member of the family including sturdy shoes
- Matches (in a sealable bag)
- Pet food and additional water for pets
- Container or Bowl for pet food/water
- Extra medication for everyone in your family including your pets
- Specialized supplies that are needed such as formula, diapers or feminine products
- Important documents in waterproof container:
- Insurance information, social security cards, birth certificates
- Paper, pencil and activity books and crayons for kids
- Cell phone chargers, inverters and solar charger
- A few hundred dollars in cash
Be sure you have the following in your car:
- Jumper Cables
- Spare Tire
- Tire Repair Kit
- Shovel
- Traction Mats
- Road flair to alert emergency personnel
- Bag of sand or cat litter for better traction
- Cell phone charger