Preparing your Business for Irma – Important Hurricane Information For Business Owners
By: Advocate Brokerage

With the state of emergency declared in Florida and the very real threat of Hurricane Irma upon the state, people up and down the East coast are taking notice and making plans to prepare themselves and their property for this storm.
Business owners also need to take steps to protect their livelihood. Losses that businesses incur during a hurricane can be crippling. The following tips are offered to help your business be prepared as you can and recover as quickly as possible:
What to do now:
- Assign a specific person to monitor the storm and be aware of any evacuation warnings
- Clearly communicate with your staff and let them know what your expectations are regarding business closings as well as responsibilities for shutting down and protecting the building and its contents
- Gather the information you will need once the storm hits. A list that includes employee contact numbers, key vendor information, contractors and salvage services that may be required. Be sure to include your insurance policy information to help you when and if you need to file a claim.
- Protect important documents by storing your most important ones in waterproof containers
- Back up critical data
- Prepare for possible flooding by moving any important items to higher elevations
- Secure any outdoor property
- Board up windows
- Cover computers and other equipment near windows in plastic
- Be sure emergency generators, fire pumps and company vehicles have full fuel tanks
- Shut off any flammable or combustible gas lines as well as electrical power
- If you have time, do a quick office inventory with a video camera in case of a loss
When the storm is over
- If you see significant structural damage, do not attempt to enter the building
- If you have suffered a loss, report it as soon as possible
Feel free to call us at 914-723-7100 or click the link below to report a claim directly to your insurance carrier.
- If possible, have your policy number available
- If you can safely do so, take photographs of the damage or provide a verbal description
- Make a note of the claim adjuster’s name, telephone number and inspection schedule
- Prepare a list of damaged or lost items for your adjuster