The most important caution you can take to protect your home from fire damage is to have a Central Station Fire Alarm installed

By: Advocate Brokerage

Screen Shot 2017-03-07 at 10.17.56 AMBack in January we posted a blog about how cold weather increases the likelihood of home fires.  Unfortunately, this weekend during the big drop in temperature, a home on Scarsdale’s Black Birch Lane experienced a fire during the wee hours of the morning. On Sunday, both Jeff Koslowsky & Glenn Binday were called to the scene at 4am to help fight the fire. While it is fortunate that the home was unoccupied at the time, the end result is that the home was a total loss.


The biggest thing that struck us is that the home did not have a Central Station Fire Alarm installed.  We hear over and over again that a local alarm and/or neighbors are the ones who alert the fire department in the event of a home fire. This is unfortunate because there is usually a significant time gap between when a fire starts and when the neighbors become aware of and ultimately report a fire. In this case, a back neighbor saw the raging fire in the distance


When it comes to fire, time is not on your side. We cannot stress enough that…


The most important precaution you can take is to have a Central Station Fire Alarm installed in your home.


The safety of your family is our number one priority at Advocate Brokerage.


The safety of your family is our number one priority at Advocate Brokerage.  Having a central station fire alarm installed in your home can be the difference in saving your family’s life and can save your house.  Insurance companies provide a significant discount for the proper installation of a central station fire and burglar alarm system. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us and give us a call.


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